Löschner J, Hage SR (2024) Landegger LD, Reisinger E, Lallemend F, Hage SR, Grimm D, Cederroth CR (2024) Hage SR (2024) Hage SR (2024) Derntl B, Hage SR, Hallschmid M (2024) Marchetta P, Dapper K, Hess M, Calis D, Singer W, Wertz J, Fink S, Hage SR, Alam M, Schwabe K, Lukowski R, Bourien J, Puel J-L, Jacob MH, Munk MHJ, Land R, Rüttiger L, Knipper M (2024) Risueno-Segovia C, Dohmen D, Gultekin YB, Pomberger T, Hage SR (2023) Voigtlaender VA, Sandhaeger F, Hawellek D, Hage SR, Siegel M (2023) Löschner J, Pomberger T, Hage SR (2023) Risueno-Segovia C, Koç O, Champéroux P, Hage SR (2022) Gultekin YB, Hildebrand DGC, Hammerschmidt K, Hage SR (2021) Risueno-Segovia C, Hage SR (2020) Pomberger T*, Löschner J*, Hage SR (2020) Hage SR (2020) Brecht KF, Hage SR, Gavrilov N, Nieder A (2019) Pomberger T*, Risueno-Segovia C*, Gultekin YB*, Dohmen D*, Hage SR (2019) Hage SR (2019) Fischer J, Hage SR (2019) Dohmen D, Hage SR (2019) Pomberger T, Hage SR (2019) Luo J, Hage SR*, Moss CF* (2018) Hage SR (2018) Gultekin YB, Hage SR (2018) Hage SR (2018) Pomberger T*, Risueno-Segovia C*, Löschner J, Hage SR (2018) Gavrilov N, Hage SR, Nieder A (2017) Gultekin YB, Hage SR (2017) Hage SR, Nieder A (2016) Hage SR, Gavrilov N, Nieder A (2016) Hage SR, Nieder A (2015) Ackermann H, Hage SR, Ziegler W (2014) Ackermann H, Hage SR, Ziegler W (2014) Hage SR*, Jiang T*, Berquist S, Feng J, Metzner W (2014) Hage SR, Ott T, Eiselt AK, Jacob SN, Nieder A (2014) Hage SR, Nieder A (2013) Hage SR, Jiang T, Berquist S, Feng J, Metzner W (2013) Hage SR, Gavrilov N, Salomon F, Stein AM (2013) Hage SR, Gavrilov N, Nieder A (2013) Hage SR (2013) Hage SR, Metzner W (2013) Kobayasi K*, Hage SR*, Berquist S, Feng J & Metzner W (2012) Hage SR (2009) Hage SR (2009) Jürgens U, Hage SR (2007) Hage SR, Jürgens U, Ehret G (2007) Hage SR, Jürgens U, Ehret G (2006) Jürgens U, Hage SR (2006) Hage SR, Jürgens U (2006) Hage SR, Jürgens U (2006) Ehret G, Hage SR, Egorova M, Müller BA (2005) Hage SR, Ehret G (2003) Ehret G, Egorova M, Hage SR, Müller BA (2003)
Sound amongst the din: Primate strategies against noise
Trends in Cognitive Sciences, doi.org/10.1016/j.tics.2024.11.007
The Rise of Cochlear Gene Therapy.
Molecular Therapy, doi.org/10.1016/j.ymthe.2024.11.012
Language evolution in primates.
Science, 385, 713-714
Breathing control of vocalization.
Science, 383, 1059-1060
(Perspective on: Park et al., Science 383:1074, 2024)
Making Sense of Sex in Neuroscience
Biological Psychiatry: Global Open Science, 4, 100292
(Commentary on: Wierenga et al., Biol Psychiatry Glob Open Sci 4:100283, 2024)
Dysfunction of specific auditory fibers impacts cortical oscillations, driving an autism phenotype despite near-normal hearing.
FASEB Journal, 38, e23411.
Linguistic law-like compression strategies emerge to maximize coding efficiency in marmoset vocal communication.
Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 290, 20231503.
Neural representations of the content and production of human vocalization.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences U.S.A.,120 (23) e2219310120
Marmoset monkeys use different avoidance strategies to cope with ambient noise during vocal behavior.
iScience 26, 106219
Cardiovascular mechanisms underlying vocal behavior in freely moving macaque monkeys.
iScience 25, 103688
High plasticity in marmoset monkey vocal development from infancy to adulthood.
Science Advances 7, eabf2938
Theta synchronization of phonatory and articulatory systems in marmoset monkey vocal production.
Current Biology 30, 4276–4283.
Compensatory mechanisms affect sensorimotor integration during ongoing vocal-motor acts in marmoset monkeys.
European Journal of Neuroscience 52, 3531-3544 (*authors contribute equally)
The role of auditory feedback on vocal pattern generation in marmoset monkeys.
Current Opinion in Neurobiology 60, 92-98
Volitional control of vocalizations in corvid songbirds.
PLoS Biology 17, e3000375
Cognitive control of complex motor behavior in marmoset monkeys.
Nature Communications 10, 3796 (*authors contribute equally)
Precise vocal timing needs cortical control.
Science 363, 926-927
(Perspective on: Okobi et al., Science 363:983, 2019)
Primate vocalization as a model for human speech: scopes and limits.
In: Hagoort P (ed.) Human Language: From Genes and Brains to Behavior.
MIT Press, New York. pp 639-656.
Limited capabilities for condition-dependent modulation of vocal turn-taking behavior in marmoset monkeys.
Behavioral Neuroscience 133, 320-328
Semi-chronic laminar recordings in the brainstem of behaving marmoset monkeys.
Journal of Neuroscience Methods 311, 186–192
The Lombard effect: from acoustics to neural mechanisms.
Trends in Neurosciences 41, 938-949 (*shared corresponding authorship)
Auditory and audio-vocal responses of single neurons in the monkey ventral premotor cortex.
Hearing Research 366, 82-89
Limiting parental interaction during vocal development affects acoustic call structure in marmoset monkeys.
Science Advances 4, eaar4012
Dual neural network model of speech and language evolution: new insights on flexibility of vocal production systems and involvement of frontal cortex.
Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences 21, 80-87
Precise motor control enables rapid flexibility in vocal behavior of marmoset monkeys.
Current Biology 28, 788-794 (*authors contribute equally)
featured in Science
Functional specialization of the primate frontal lobe during cognitive control of vocalizations.
Cell Reports 21, 2393-2406
Limiting parental feedback disrupts vocal development in marmoset monkeys.
Nature Communications 8, 14046
Dual neural network model for the evolution of speech and language.
Trends in Neurosciences 39, 813-829
Developmental changes of cognitive vocal control in monkeys.
Journal of Experimental Biology 219, 1744-1749
featured in Inside JEB
featured in Nature Research Highlights
Audio-vocal interaction in single neurons of the monkey ventrolateral prefrontal cortex.
Journal of Neuroscience, 35, 7030-7040
Brain mechanisms of acoustic communication in humans and nonhuman primates: An evolutionary perspective.
Behavioral and Brain Sciences 37, 529-546
Phylogenetic reorganization of the basal ganglia: A necessary, but not the only, bridge over a primate Rubicon of acoustic communication.
Behavioral and Brain Sciences 37, 577-604.
Ambient noise causes independent changes in distinct spectro-temporal features of echolocation calls in horseshoe bats.
Journal of Experimental Biology 217, 2440-2444 (*authors contribute equally)
Ethograms indicate stable well-being during prolonged training phases in rhesus monkeys used in neurophysiological research.
Laboratory Animals 48(1), 82-87
Single neurons in monkey prefrontal cortex encode volitional initiation of vocalizations.
Nature Communications 4, 2409
Ambient noise induces independent shifts in call frequency and amplitude within the Lombard effect in echolocating bats.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences U.S.A. 110(10), 4063-4068
featured in This Issue
Temporal vocal features suggest different call pattern generating mechanisms in mice and bats.
BMC Neuroscience 14, 99
Cognitive control of distinct vocalizations in rhesus monkeys.
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 25(10), 1692-1701
Audio-vocal interactions during vocal communication in squirrel monkeys and their neurobiological implications.
Journal of Comparative Physiology A 199(7), 663-668
Potential effects of anthropogenic noise on echolocation behavior in horseshoe bats.
Communicative & Integrative Biology 6(4), e24753
Behavioural and neurobiological implications of linear and non-linear features in larynx phonations of horseshoe bats.
Nature Communications 3, 1184 (*authors contribute equally)
Neuronal networks involved in the generation of vocalization. In: Brudzynski SM (Ed.) Handbook of mammalian vocalization. Academic Press, Oxford, 329-338
Localization of the central pattern generator for vocalization. In: Brudzynski SM (Ed.) Handbook of mammalian vocalization. Academic Press, Oxford, 339-349
On the role of the reticular formation in vocal pattern generation.
Behavioral Brain Research 182, 308-314
The olivocochlear system takes part in audio-vocal interaction. In: Kollmeier B, Klump G, Hohmann V, Langemann U, Mauermann M, Uppenkamp S & Verhey J (Eds.) Hearing – From Sensory Processing to Perception. Springer, Heidelberg, 191-197
Audio-vocal interaction in the pontine brainstem during self-initiated vocalization in the squirrel monkey.
European Journal of Neuroscience 23, 3297-3307
Telemetric recording of neuronal activity.
Methods 38, 195-201
On the role of the pontine brainstem in vocal pattern generation. A telemetric single-unit recording study in the squirrel monkey.
Journal of Neuroscience 26, 7105-7115
Localization of a vocal pattern generator in the pontine brainstem of the squirrel monkey.
European Journal of Neuroscience 23, 840-844
Auditory maps in the midbrain: the inferior colliculus. In: Pressnitzer D., de Cheveigné A., McAdams S. & Collet L. (Eds.) Auditory signal processing: physiology, psychoacoustics, and models. Springer, New York, 162-168
Mapping responses to frequency sweeps and tones in the inferior colliculus of house mice.
European Journal of Neuroscience 18, 2301-2312
Spatial map of frequency tuning-curve shapes in the mouse inferior colliculus.
Neuroreport 14, 1365-1369